Sunday, June 15, 2008

How Does ProExtender Increase Penis Size Without Surgery?

It seems that lately men have become fixated on the size of their penis and how to make it bigger. Perhaps due to what they read or see on the internet or in other popular media, if they perceive the size of their penis as being too small, it gives them an inferiority complex. This problem can seem so important that some men even are willing to undergo surgery, which can be expensive, painful and perhaps even potentially dangerous. Most males, however, are less willing to go under the knife and would prefer to use a less drastic means to make their sex organ longer and thicker.

Aside from their own pride, some men believe the size of their penis affects how much pleasure they may give to their partner. An additional factor in terms of delivering sexual satisfaction, in addition to penis size is the ability to maintain an erection for a sufficiently long time to achieve mutual satisfaction.

Although surgery, pills and pumps are alternative methods for increasing penis size, the ProExtender device is a choice that a large number of men have been making. Compared with a pump, clinical studies have found that the results obtained with an extension device, such as ProExtender are more permanent than any gains that may be achieved using vacuum pump devices.

About ProExtender

ProExtender is a traction device that stretches the penis sufficiently to stimulate the growth of its tissues. Also available from the makers of ProExtender is a system which additionally includes enhancement supplement pills, along with a detailed program explaining how to use the pills together with an exercise program. It should be noted that the cost point for even the most costly, deluxe ProExtender system is nowhere near the astronomical price tag of having plastic surgery done to enlarge the penis.

The traction device itself was created by Jorn Ege Siana, a doctor whose specialty is doing scientific research on enlarging the penis. He wanted to design a mechanical system that worked using natural principles, and that was both safe and easy for men to learn how to use. Using the ProExtender for the recommended number of hours per day, and throughout a course of several months, has been shown to result in penile growth that is measurable. The device can even be worn during the day at work (depending, of course, on having a job that is not very physical) or in the evening while watching television or even while asleep.

Perhaps the most important advantage of the device is how it can give a man more self esteem, sexual confidence and the feeling of more pride when seen by his partner.

You can buy Penis Extender Deluxe here


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Arkaig_Roe's weblog

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