Saturday, June 14, 2008

Do You Need Help To Control Your Diabetes?

Each and every year, there millions of Americans young and old alike that are stricken with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association reports that almost 7% of American are suffering from either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The problem is that as many as two-thirds of this population is unsuspecting that they have diabetes.

The most common symptoms of diabetics include irregular metabolism and high blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are the total amount of sugar in the blood. Being careful to maintain a balanced blood sugar level is critical in curbing diabetes. Blood sugar spikes are usually a result of low levels of insulin produced by the body.

How significant is your blood sugar?

Controlling blood sugar is critical because if is neglected, high blood sugar levels can produce internal complications such as kidney disease, blindness, or even neuropathy. Doctors normally prescribe taking a medication that will control blood sugar spikes. One of these medications is known as Glucotrol XL. A study of this medication has revealed that it possible to have both positive and negative effects.

Many experts see diabetes as a marker for aging, as diabetics have been known to develop higher cholesterol and typically die of heart disease at a younger age than non-diabetics. The causes of diabetes and Syndrome X include stress, excessive amount of processed foods and lack of exercise.

Glucotrol XR is a medicine belonging to the class of sulfonylureas and used to treat diabetes 2 and control the amount of sugar in blood. Sulfonylureas are oral drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes when an improved diet and exercise regime have failed to improve high blood sugar.

It works by lowering blood sugar levels by stimulating the production and release of insulin from the pancreas. It also promotes the movement of sugar from the blood into the cells in the body which need it.

Sulfonylurea or Glucotol is used to increase the secretion of insulin in the pancreas. A Glucotrol XL study has revealed that the drug contains various chemicals that can manage blood sugar levels. When used in combination with diet and exercise, Glucotrol XL will help diabetics live a heathly life.

It should be noted that this medication can cause side effects like nausea, vomiting, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. If these symptoms happen often, it is important to go see your physician at once.

An allergic reaction to this medicine is unlikely, but you will need to seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions or concerns about taking this medicine. Take this medicine by mouth 30 minutes before a meal and you need to take this medicine regularly to receive the most benefit from it.

Taking the medicine at the same time each day will help you to remember, and if you miss a dose of this medicine, just simply take it as soon as possible. It is a good idea to limit alcoholic beverages while using this medicine because they can increase the risk of developing hypoglycemia.

Studies have shown that Glucotrol should be taken just once a day. By taking more than one capsule a day could be harmful to your health.

This information was a culmination from many different places and resources. You should never just believe one resource and you should study a subject from a few different perspectives.

You can buy Glucotrol XL here


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